Sunday, May 20, 2007


Attitude as it is, has a great role to play in our live. Nomatter the dissapointmwent you have, remember yesterday will become history today. "Life is attitude and attitude is life", it depends on how you handle it.
My dear brother, the first step toward your breakthrough in life, is to listen to what you say,how you react and watch you do on a daily basis. Inspite of the oddity society we found ourselves,I believe we can make any dream we dreamnt a reality,but the habits of behaviour are the very reflective to what we believe and who we are.
Ok, Let say you say somethings like
1. I want to have a sucessful career
2. I want to become the director of a big organisation
3. I want to be as sucessful and famous as bill Gate
4. I want have an intimate relationship
But your behaviour and thoughts reveals a different messages like
1. Instigate an argument
2. Procastinating on doing things that will ensure success
3. Your thoughts is always negative

All these self-sabotage behaviour called bad-attitude occur when there no is correleation between what you say you want and the behaviour that prove what you want. These behaviour if not properly kept in constant check and addressed can turn into habits. They are the reflection of your fears caused by negative beleif you have toward goals and aspiration life. So, did you think about what fears are keeping from your goal? Evaluate your behaviour on daily basis and notice the connection between those behaviour and your hidden fear.
Expose the hidden fears by evaluating bad habits. Always have a positive affirmation that will catapult and motivate you toward your desire goal in life.
Remember by doing this, you are creating an awareness to the sub-couscious mind, which is the brain behind your success in life.
Make an effort to bring out the best out of your life today.

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